M6-VETS Awarded CMS HealthCare Cost Report Information System Contract

On February 8, 2024, M6-VETS was awarded a five-year Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) HealthCare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS) follow-on contract. M6-VETS is a Small Business Administration-certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business and HUBZone business joint venture partnership formed by Veterans Enterprise Technology Solutions, Inc. and Morgan 6, LLC. “Morgan 6 is pleased to continue our…

Leadership, Resilience, and Courage: Honoring MLK’s Legacy

The observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day invites us to reflect deeply on the leadership qualities exemplified by Dr. King, qualities that resonate profoundly with the experiences of military veterans. Dr. King once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” This question captures the essence of servant leadership, a philosophy not about…

M6 Warrior Recognized for Excellence

Andrew Schweitzer Goes Above and Beyond ANNAPOLIS, MD, July 2023 – At M6, we live a “Warriors First” ethos, supporting Warriors – past, present, and future, in all our endeavors. We view everyone who works hard to ensure their organization’s success as Warriors, regardless of their occupation or goals. And of course, we count our team among those Warriors. We…

M6 Hires Finance and Accounting Manager

Steve Elliott is our Next M6 Warrior CHARLESTON, S.C., July, 2023 – M6 welcomes Steve Elliott as our newest M6 Warrior, serving as Finance and Accounting Manager. His skills and expertise measurably increase our ability to serve our customers. Over his career, Steve has served as CFO, VP of Finance and Administration, Director of Accounting, Controller, and Corporate Treasurer where…

Constance Besaw: M6 Warrior

Besaw recognized by Irregular Warfare Center for “above and beyond” service Recently, our own M6 Warrior Constance Besaw was recognized for her exemplary service in support of the Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) International Irregular Warfare Week – a first of its kind. The value of this event is to expose U.S. stakeholders involved in the development of the new definition…

Thoughts on Diversity – Remembering MLK

Although Dr Martin Luther King Jr. addressed a lot of significant issues with deep thought and impact, his remarks on diversity are particularly interesting today, both in our communities and in our workplaces. Diversity is more than just a catchphrase; it’s a crucial objective that we must accomplish to both move forward as a society and to realize our collective…

Team Morgan 6 Picked To Stand Up New Irregular Warfare Center

Supporting the DoD’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency Morgan 6 has teamed with Valens Global to create the Defense Security Cooperation Agency’s (DSCA) Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). In September 2022, the DoD commissioned Team Morgan 6 and DoD Subject Matter Experts to rapidly create the IWC to serve as the central mechanism…

Morgan 6 Hires Director Of Capture Management

The Team Welcomes Ken Phillips CHARLESTON, S.C., Jan. 2021 — Morgan 6 welcomes Ken Phillips as Director of Capture Management. Phillips brings with him an extensive background of industry and military knowledge that will serve him well in this position. Phillips is a retired Army Veteran who served in the Infantry, Military Intelligence and Computer Network Operations. He continued support…

Morgan 6 Hires Executive Vice President Of National Security Solutions

Paul Thompson Joins the Team CHARLESTON, S.C., June. 2021 — Morgan 6 welcomes Paul Thompson as the Executive Vice President of National Security Solutions, reporting to President & CEO Gavin McCulley. Thompson will oversee the National Security Solutions department which will expand M6’s ability to answer Special Operations and the Intelligence Community’s unique requirements in the coming years. He joins…

Morgan 6 Hires Human Resource Assistant

Tricia Rowell Joins the Team CHARLESTON, S.C., June. 2021 — Morgan 6 welcomes Tricia Rowell as Human Resource Assistant, reporting to Director of Human Resources Ligaya Bennett. Rowell worked with AT&T for the past five years – she excelled as Retail Sales Manager, Senior Sales Support Specialist, and Client Solutions Manager. She recently received her master’s degree in Human Resource…